Step 1: Log in to Pype Closeout.
Step 2: Upon log in, you will be directed to the Projects tab. From here, go to the Admin tab, located on the far left side panel.
***Note*** You must have Company Admin permissions to access the Admin tab. If you do not have Company Admin permissions, please request it from a company user that does have it.
Step 3: Next, you will select Company Types/Submittal Status.
Step 4: Here, you will select the Submittal Status tab, located next to the Company Types tab.
Step 5: Once you are in the Submittal Status tab, select +Add.
Step 6: Next, you will need to create a name for your custom submittal status, and then you will need to select whether this status is considered Submitted or Not Submitted. Then, you will select Submit.
Step 7: After you select Submit, a notification that says, Status Added Successfully, will appear in the top right corner of the page. You will now be able to assign submittals to this custom status!